Material testinG
1. Aggregates
Standard: MTM 320- Michigan Test method for Specific Gravity and absorption of Coarse aggregates –
Relevant test methods: ASTM C127, AASTHO T85
Scope: Per MTM 320: “This test method covers the determination of specific gravity and absorption of coarse aggregate. The specific gravity may be expressed as bulk specific gravity, bulk specific gravity (SSD) (saturated-surface-dry) or apparent specific gravity. The bulk specific gravity (SSD) and absorption are based on aggregate after 24 hours soaking in water”.
Applicable Material: Coarse Aggregates
Test Procedure: Mix sample of aggregate and then remove material by passing through a No.4 sieve. If sample contains 25% or more passing the No. 4 sieve, but retained on No. 8 sieve, then the sample will be tested as a coarse aggregate. Dry sample at a temperature of 230 ⁰ F ± 9 ⁰ F and let to cool. Wash material that is retained on the No.4 sieve to remove dust and then immerse in water for 24 ± 4 hours. Remove sample from water and lay on absorbent cloth until visible films of water are removed. Weigh the test sample of the dry sample to the nearest 0.1g and then place dry sample in container to determine the weight in water at 77⁰F ± 3⁰F. Remove aggregate from container and place into pan. Dry at a temperature of 230⁰F ± 9⁰F and then cool.
End Result: This test results in the calculation of specific gravity and absorption of Coarse aggregate.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: MTM- Michigan Test method for Specific Gravity and absorption of Fine aggregates
Relevant test methods: ASTM C128, AASHTO T84
Scope: Per MTM 321: “This test Method covers the determination of specific gravity and absorption of fine aggregate. The specific gravity may be expressed as bulk specific gravity, bulk specific gravity (SSD) (Saturated-surface-dry) or apparent specific gravity”.
Applicable Material: Fine aggregate
Test Procedure: Obtain sample of the fine sample then dry sample in a pan at a temperature of 230 ⁰F ± 5 ⁰F (110 ⁰ C ± 3 ⁰ C). Allow the sample to cool to room temperature and wash sample over a No. 200 sieve until clear of water. Spread sample on a flat non-absorbent surface exposed to air moving about 60 to 85 ⁰ F to ensure homogenous drying. Introduce a pycnometer and fill each with saturated surface-dry fine aggregate. Fill each pycnometer with water to approximately 90% and then roll, invert, and agitate each pycnometer to eliminate air bubbles. Remove fine aggregates from each pycnometer and dry in oven at a temperature of 200 ⁰F ± 5 ⁰F.
End Result: This test results in an oven dry sample as well as the total weight after testing.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test method for materials finer than 75mm (No. 299) sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing
Relevant test methods: ASTM C117, AASHTO T11
Scope: Per MTM 108: “This test method covers determination of the amount of unbound material finer than a No. 200 (75μm) sieve in aggregates by washing.”
Applicable Material: Coarse Aggregates
Test Procedure: This describes a method for determining the fineness modulus of aggregates, which is a measure of the particle size distribution of the aggregate. The method involves drying the aggregate sample, washing it to separate the particles finer than a certain sieve size, and then drying and weighing the washed aggregate. The method also notes that this test should not be used for certain types of aggregates and that the temperature should be kept below 400°F to avoid degrading or fracturing the aggregate particles. The method also note that MTM 108 does not take into account the fact that some aggregates may be degraded by mechanical washer action.
End Result: This results in the calculation of materials lost by washing.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test method for flat particles, elongated particles, or Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate
Relevant test methods: ASTM D4791
Scope: Per MTM 130: “This test method covers the determination of the percentages of flat particles, elongated particles, or flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregates.”
Applicable Material: Aggregate
Test Procedure: If determination by mass is required then oven dry sample to a constant mass of 230 ± 9⁰F, but if particle count is not required then drying is unnecessary.
Sieve sample in accordance with Test method C136 (Sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregates) and sieve the material retained to reduce each size faction in the amount of 10% or more in accordance with test method C702 (Reducing Field Samples of Aggregates to Testing Size) until approximately 100% are obtained. If specification does not designate a sieve size, then use all the sieves down to and including the sieve that will include more than 50% of the original sample mass.
End Result: This test results in the percentage of flat and elongated particles.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test Method for Los Angeles Abrasion Resistance of Aggregate
Relevant test methods: ASTM C131, AASHTO T 96
Scope: Per MTM 102: “This method covers a procedure for testing aggregates for resistance to abrasion using the Los Angeles machine.”
Applicable Material: Coarse Aggregates
Test Procedure: Separate the dried field sample into individual size fractions and recombine into the grading of Table 2 most nearly corresponding to the range of sizes in aggregate as submitted. After recombining the aggregate, wash the sample and oven dry at 110 ± 5°C to a constant mass. Record the mass of the sample prior to test to the nearest 1g.
End Result: This test will result in standard gradations of aggregate.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test Method for Insoluble Residue in Carbonate Aggregate
Relevant test methods: ASTM D3042
Scope: Per MTM 103: “This method covers the determination of the quantity of insoluble residue present in carbonate aggregates using hydrochloric acid solution to react the carbonate material.”
Applicable Material: Coarse Aggregate, Fine Aggregate
Test Procedure: Weigh a sample to 0.1g and place into a 2000 mL beaker, then add 300mL of 1:1 hydrochloric acid in small proportions, occasionally stirring to prevent foaming from the beaker. Add an additional 100mL of 1:1 hydrochloric acid and continue acid treatment until no effervescence occurs. Allow insoluble residue to settle, then decant clear solute, taking care to avoid loss of residue. Refill beaker with de-ionized water and stir to allow insoluble residue to settle and then test for PH.
Decant excess water, then pour the insoluble residue onto the No. 200 sieve by a No. 100 sieve over a clean beaker, to avoid loss of insoluble residue. Transfer residue collected from the No. 100 and No. 200 sieve into a container, then dry at 110⁰C ± 5⁰C. Place in a Buchner funnel, then filter the water that is finer than No. 200 sieve. Transfer filter paper and insoluble residue to container, then oven dry at 110⁰C ± 5⁰C.
End Result: This results in the calculation of percent insoluble residue.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Relevant test methods: N/A
Certification Required:
Applicable Material: Coarse Aggregates
End Result:
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test Method for Angularity Index of Fine Aggregate
Relevant test methods: ASTM C 1252, AASHTO T 304
Scope: “This method covers the determination of the angularity of a fine aggregate as an overall measure of particle shape characteristics. For this test method, fine aggregate is defined as that passing the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve and retained on the No. 200 (75 μm) sieve. More specifically, the fine aggregate used in this method shall be that material which passes the No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve and retained on the No. 30 (0.60 mm) sieve”.
Applicable Material: Fine Aggregate
Test Procedure: Obtain a dry sample and then wash sample through a No.30 sieve until water runs clear. Place 100mL of distilled water into a 250 mL graduated cylinder and weigh two hundred grams of the retained No. 30 material. Position the funnel into the cylinder, so that the funnel is approximately one inch above the water level. At a gradual rate, pour weighed sample into funnel, raising funnel as water level rises.
End Result: This results in the calculation of the angularity void ratio.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test Method for Dy Unit Weight (Loose Measure) of Coarse Aggregate
Relevant test methods: ASTM C29, AASHTO T19
Scope: “This test method describes the field procedure for determining the unit weight of those coarse aggregates normally specified in concrete mix designs.”
Applicable Material: Coarse Aggregates
Test Procedure: Get and record the mass of the empty measure and then determine the loose bulk density of the aggregate using the fill method in 9.2.3 method C- Shoveling. Determine the mass of the measure plus its content. This procedure is to be done three times successively using the same reduced field sample. The third time the procedure is done, the sample is not emptied back into the remainder of the sample after the mass has been determined. Determine and record the mass of the field condition and then dry aggregate sample.
End Result: This test shows the calculation of loose bulk density, dry
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
2. Fresh Concrete
Standard: Standard test method for setting time
Relevant test methods: AASHTO T197
Scope: “This test method covers the determination of the time of setting of concrete, with slump greater than zero, by means of penetration resistance measurements on mortar sieved from the concrete mixture.”
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: To determine the penetration resistance of a mortar using a penetration resistance apparatus. Specifically, it involves:
- Removing any bleed water from the specimen surface with a pipet.
- Selecting and inserting the appropriate needle size based on the setting time of the mortar.
- Bringing the needles bearing surface into contact with the mortars surface
- Applying a steady and even force to push the needle vertically downward until it penetrates the mortar tom a depth of 252mm.
- Calculating the force needed to achieve this penetration.
- Recording the time of the load application, as determined by the elapsed time between the initial contact of cement and water.
- Dividing the recorded force by the needles bearing area to determine the penetration resistance.
End Result: This results in determining the initial and final setting times of concrete mixtures.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard test for air content (Volumetric Method)
Relevant test methods: ASTM C231, AASHTO T 196, AASHTO T 152
Scope: This test method covers determination of the air content of freshly mixed concrete containing any type of aggregate, whether it be dense, cellular, or lightweight.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: The procedure provided is for measuring the air content of concrete using the roller method, in accordance with ASTM C172. The process involves filling a measuring bowl with dampened concrete, tamping it, and then sealing it with an air meter top. Water and isopropyl alcohol are added to the meter, and the meter is then flipped and shaken to release any trapped air in the concrete. The meter is then rolled on the ground to allow the aggregate to settle, and the air content is measured by the level of the liquid in the meter after it has stabilized. The amount of isopropyl alcohol and water can vary depending on the type of concrete and its air content, and that the process must be done carefully to ensure a tight seal and accurate measurement.
End Result: This test results in the measure of air contained in the mortar fraction of the concrete.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for temperature of freshly Mixed Cement concrete
Relevant test methods: AASHTO T 309
Scope: “This test method covers the determination of temperature of freshly mixed hydraulic-cement concrete.”
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: Position temperature measuring device, so that the end of the temperature sensing portion is submerged at a minimum of 3 in. into the concrete. Close voids that were left by placement to prevent ambient air from affecting reading. Let the temperature reading device sit for about 2 minutes, but no more than 5 minutes, and then record to the nearest 1 ⁰F. Take temperature while device sits in the concrete.
End Result: This rest results in getting a measured temperature for concrete.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for slump of Cement Concrete
Relevant test methods: AASHTO T 119
Scope: This test method covers determination of slump of hydraulic-cement concrete, both in the laboratory and in the field.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: Put slump cone on plate and clamp it down. Fill the first layer 1/3 of the cone volume and rod 25 times by slightly angling the rod to the edges with each rod. Fill second layer to 2/3 of the cone volume and rod 25 times, making sure to penetrate 1 inch of the first layer. Finally fill last layer to the top and rod 25 times, making sure to penetrate second layer by 1 inch. Strike off excess concrete and clean rim of cone. Lift cone straight upwards and then flip cone upside down next to the slumped concrete. Place the tamping rod on top of the cone and over the slumped concrete.
End Result: This results in the measurement in slump of concrete.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test Method for specification for flow for use in tests of hydraulic cement
Relevant test methods: AASHTO M 152
Scope: This specification covers requirements for the flow table and accessory used in making flow tests for consistency of mortars in tests of hydraulic cement.
Test Procedure:
Applicable Material: Concrete
End Result:
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
3. Hardened Concrete
Standard: Standard Test for Compressive Strength
Relevant test methods: AASHTO T22
Scope: “This practice covers procedures for making and curing cylinder and beam specimens from representative samples of fresh concrete for a construction project.”
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: Get Sample of concrete from the middle of batch. For a 4 x 8 cylinder, there are two equal layers of concrete to be placed while for a 6 x 12 cylinder, there should be three equal layers. For both sizes, each should be rodded 25 times in an even pattern, distributing the holes uniformly over the cross-section of the mold. The bottom layer must be penetrated to the bottom of the mold, and for the layers above it, you must go through that layer and about an inch into the layer below it. After rodding each layer, it is important to tap the outside with a mallet about 10 to 15 times. Label each cylinder with the project number, date, time, and sample number. Cylinders need to be picked anywhere from 18 to 48 hours after they are made. Breaking concrete cylinders at specific intervals, such as 7 days, 28 days, and 56 days, is a common practice in construction to determine the strength of the concrete. For 6x12s, two cylinders are typically broken at the 7-day mark and two at the 28-day mark, with a spare cylinder for the 56-day mark. For 4x8s, one cylinder is broken at the 7-day mark, and three at the 28-day mark, with a spare for the 56-day mark. After the cylinders have been in the moisture room and in the system, the testing process is complete.
End Result: This test results in the check of adequacy in the mix proportions for strength and quality control.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard test Method for Flexural Strength (Third-Point Loading)
Relevant test methods: AASHTO T 97
Scope: This test method covers the determination of the flexural strength of concrete by the use of a simple beam with third-point loading.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: Flexural tests of moist-cured concrete specimens should be conducted as soon as possible after removal from moist storage to prevent reduction in the measured flexural strength caused by surface drying of the specimen. When using molded specimens, the test specimen should be turned on its side and centered on the support blocks. When using sawed specimens, the specimen should be positioned so that the tension face corresponds to the top or bottom of the specimen as cut from the parent material, and the loading system should be centered in relation to the applied force. A load of between 3 and 6% of the estimated ultimate load should be applied using load-applying and support blocks, and any gap between the specimen and the blocks should be measured using 0.004 in. (0.10 mm) and 0.015 in. (0.38 mm) leaf-type feeler gages over a length of 1 in. (25 mm) or more. Any gaps in excess of 0.004 in. (0.10 mm) should be eliminated by grinding, capping, or using leather shims, and gaps in excess of 0.015 in. (0.38 mm) should be eliminated only by capping or grinding. Grinding of lateral surfaces should be minimized as it may change the physical characteristics of the specimens. Capping should be done in accordance with the relevant sections of Practice C 617. Load the specimen continuously and without shock. The load shall be applied at a constant rate to the breaking point. Apply the load at a rate that constantly increases the extreme fiber stress between 125 and 175 psi/min (0.86 and 1.21 MPa/min) until rupture occurs. The loading rate is calculated using the following equation:
r = Sbd2 /L
where: r = loading rate, lb/min (MN/min), S = rate of increase in extreme fiber stress, psi/min (MPa/ min), b = average width of the specimen, in. (mm), d = average depth of the specimen, in. (mm), and L = span length, in (mm).
End Result: This test results in determining the flexural strength of specimen prepared and cured.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test Method for Pavement Thickness and Depth of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete Pavement by the coring method
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: “This test method describes the procedure for selection of pavement units to be cored, requirements for number of cores to be taken, method of measurement for length of core and depth of pavement reinforcement, and procedure for reporting results.”
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: This describes the procedures for identifying and numbering cores taken from pavement units for project acceptance purposes. Cores are numbered with consecutive numbers starting January 1 each year and a consecutive core number is assigned to the initial core of each added pavement unit. Cores are also classified based on the results of measurements for concrete thickness and depth of steel. Additional cores may be taken when the initial core is classified as other than Type AX, and these additional cores are used to evaluate the pavement unit related to the deficiency found in the initial core. The location of the cores and the stationing of each core is also recorded. If the initial core is classified as “C” and/or “Z” range, a substitute initial core is taken and used to determine the extent of pavement in that range.
End Result: This results in the determining pavement core record and concrete pavement core.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test Method for Hardened Density
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: “This test method covers determination of the density of freshly mixed concrete and gives formulas for calculating the yield, cement content, and air content of the concrete. Yield is defined as the volume of concrete produced from a mixture of known quantities of the component materials.”
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: This provides a detailed process for performing a slump test and determining the volume of the container used. The slump test is used to determine the workability of the concrete mixture, and the method of consolidation is chosen based on the slump value. If the slump is less than 1 inch, the concrete should be vibrated. If the slump is between 1 and 3 inches, the concrete can be consolidated using either rodding or vibration. If the slump is greater than 3 inches, the concrete should be consolidated using rodding. To perform the test, the volume of the container is determined either by using a container with a known volume or by calculating the volume using the formula for the volume of a cylinder. The container is filled with concrete, consolidated, and struck off, and the mass of the container and concrete are measured. This information is used to calculate various properties of the concrete such as unit weight, theoretical density, yield, relative yield, cement content, and gravimetric air content. It is important to ensure that the container is on a flat, level, and sturdy surface, and to follow the instructions on the number of blows or vibration for each layer of concrete.
End Result: This results in calculation of batch of concrete, yield, gravimetric air content, and theoretical density.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test Method of Water Absorption
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: ASTM C272 is a test method used to determine the water absorption of structural core materials such as honeycomb or foam when immersed in water or exposed to high relative humidity environments. The test method outlines three different methods for performing the test:
Method A: 24-hour immersion. This method involves immersing the sample in water for 24 hours, and then measuring the weight gain to determine the water absorption.
Test Method B: Elevated Temperature Humidity. This method involves exposing the sample to a controlled temperature and humidity environment for a specified period of time, and then measuring the weight gain to determine the water absorption.
Test Method C: Maximum Percent Weight Gain. This method involves measuring the weight gain of the sample after immersion in water or exposure to high relative humidity environments and calculating the maximum percent weight gain as a measure of water absorption.
Each method is designed to measure the water absorption of the material under different conditions, and the appropriate method should be chosen based on the specific properties of the material being tested and the intended use of the material.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: Required test samples is five in which each size is 3-inch x 3 inch. The specimen is then dried, and removed from oven, and allowed to cool. The sample is then immersed in deionized water. The sample is then removed after 24 hours, 48 hours, or after thirty days, depending on the required condition.
The increase in mass is calculated as follows:
Increase in Weight, % = (W – D) / D * 100
W = wet weight
D = dry weight
End Result: This results in the calculation of the change in mass of water absorption.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Thermal Conductivity
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: ASTM C177 is a standard test method for determining the steady-state thermal transmission properties of materials by means of the guarded hot plate apparatus. It’s used to measure the thermal conductivity, also known as heat flux, of a material. The test involves using a pair of identical flat specimens that are mounted on either side of a guarded hot-plate apparatus. The heat flux is calculated by measuring the rate at which heat flows through the specimens based on their combined thickness and the degree to which their temperatures change across their thickness. The test is performed under steady-state conditions, meaning that the temperature on both sides of the specimens remains constant throughout the test.
Applicable Material:
Test Procedure: In ASTM C177, the insulator sample is heated from one side by an electrically heated plate in the one-plate setup, or by a hot plate sandwiched between two samples in the two-plate setup. The heated plate is embedded in a guard, which is separately heated to the same temperature as the plate, to prevent heat transfer between them. The other side of the sample is cooled by a cooled plate. A fixed rate of heat flow is generated by the electric heater, creating unidirectional heat flow through the sample. The thermal conductivity is calculated by using the heat input, the thickness of the sample, the area of the heating plate, and the temperature difference through the sample.
End Result: This results in calculation of thermal conductivity using heat input, thickness, and area of heating plate.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Rapid Chloride Penetration Test (RCPT)
Relevant test methods: AASHTO T 277
Scope: This test method covers the determination of the electrical conductance of concrete to provide a rapid indication of its resistance to the penetration of chloride ions. This test method is applicable to types of concrete where correlations have been established between this test procedure and long-term chloride ponding procedures such as those described in AASHTO T 259.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: This test method is describing a method for measuring the resistance of a material to chloride ion penetration. The test involves using a potential difference of 60 V dc to pass an electrical current through a 50-mm thick slice of a core or cylinder with a 100-mm nominal diameter. One end of the specimen is immersed in a sodium chloride solution, while the other end is immersed in a sodium hydroxide solution. The test runs for 6 hours, and the total charge passed, measured in coulombs, is used to determine the material’s resistance to chloride ion penetration. This test is commonly used in the field of corrosion engineering to evaluate the resistance of materials to corrosion caused by chloride ions.
End Result: This results in laboratory evaluation pf the electrical conductance of concrete samples to provide a rapid indication of their resistance to chloride ion penetration.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates (Mortar-Bar Method)
Relevant test methods: AASHTO T 303
Scope: This test method permits detection, within 16 days of the potential for deleterious alkali-silica reaction of aggregate in mortar bars
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: ASTM C1260 and ASTM C1567 are standard test methods used to determine the potential reactivity of aggregate in concrete. The test involves filling specially prepared molds with mortar made from the aggregate under evaluation and exposing them to high alkaline solution at 80°C for 14 days. The length change of the specimens is measured periodically over time to determine the potential for deleterious expansion. The test procedure includes several steps, such as initial storage and reading, zero readings, subsequent storage, and measurement. The specimens are placed in a moist cabinet or room for 24 hours after filling the molds, then removed and identified. An initial reading is taken, and the specimens are placed in a storage container with water at 23°C and immersed in an oven or water bath at 80°C for 24 hours. Zero readings are taken after removing the specimens from the oven or water bath, and subsequent comparator readings are taken periodically for 14 days. If the readings are continued beyond the 14-day period, at least one reading per week is taken. The specimens are returned to their own container after each measurement.
End Result: This test results in a means of detecting the potential of an aggregate intended for its use in concrete undergoing alkali-silica reaction.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test Method for Determining the Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Combinations of Cementitious Materials and Aggregate (Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: This test method is used to detect the potential for alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in mortar bars made from a combination of cementitious materials (such as hydraulic cement, pozzolans, and ground granulated blast-furnace slag) and aggregate. It can detect potential issues within 16 days.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: This describes a procedure for measuring the length change of concrete specimens over time, which is an indicator of the concrete’s strength and durability. The procedure involves making concrete specimens in molds, allowing them to cure for 24-26 hours, and then measuring their length with a comparator. The specimens are then stored in containers with water at 80.0 +/- 2.0 degrees Celsius for 24-26 hours. The length of the specimens is measured again (the “zero reading”) and then measured periodically for 14 days. The specimens are also stored in 1N NaOH after the zero reading. It is important to note that the reference bar should be read prior to each set of specimens to account for any changes in the comparator’s length due to heat from the mortar bars.
End Result: This test results in evaluating means to identify pozzolans and ground granulated blast-furnace slag to control deleterious internal expansion due to alkali-silica reaction of combination of cementitious materials and aggregate in mortar bars.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard test for the Evolution of ASR Expansion of Limestone Aggregates
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: This test method covers the determination of the susceptibility of an aggregate or combination of an aggregate with pozzolan or slag for participation in expansive alkali-silica reaction by measurement of length change of concrete prisms.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure:
End Result:
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test Method for Flexural Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Using Beam with Third-Point Loading)
Relevant test methods: AASHTO T 97
Scope: “This test method evaluates the flexural performance of fiber-reinforced concrete using parameters derived from the load-deflection curve obtained by testing a simply supported beam under third-point loading using a closed-loop, servo-controlled testing system.”
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: This procedure provides detailed instructions for conducting a flexural strength test on concrete specimens. The specimens must be turned on their side and loaded at specific points according to Test Method C 78, with the span length being three times the specimen depth or 300 mm, whichever is greater. The testing machine must be operated so that the net deflection of the specimen increases at a constant rate, with specific ranges for different specimen sizes. The test should be terminated at a net deflection of 1/150 of the span, unless otherwise specified. Measurements of the specimen depth and width must be taken to determine the average depth and width, and the position of the fracture must be determined by measuring the distance along the middle of the tension face from the fracture to the nearest point of support. If the fracture occurs outside the middle third of the span, the results must be discarded. The reliability of the measuring equipment must also be confirmed before and after any maintenance or alteration.
End Result: This test results in characterizing the first -peak behavior of fiber reinforced concrete up to cracking, and also characterize residual capacity after cracking.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test Method for Obtaining Average Residual-Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: A test method for determining the residual strength of fiber-reinforced concrete test beams. The test involves measuring specified beam deflections on a beam that has been cracked in a standard manner, and then using those measurements to compute the average residual strength.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: This describes a procedure for performing a flexural strength test on a concrete beam. The procedure includes instructions for setting the rate of platen or crosshead movement, placing the specimen on the top of a steel plate, adjusting the displacement transducer(s), and activating the X-Y plotter or alternate data acquisition system. The test is to be run until a deflection of 0.20 mm is reached, and if cracking has not occurred by this point, the test is considered invalid. The maximum load should not be used to calculate the modulus of rupture. If the beam cracks, it should be reloaded, adjusting the displacement transducer(s) and zeroing the deflection recording device. The test is to be terminated at a deflection of 1.25 mm.
End Result: This test results in optimizing the proportions of fiber–reinforced concrete mixtures to determine compliance with construction specifications, and to evaluate fiber–reinforced concrete which has been in service as a tool for research and development of fiber.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Reinforcing Rebar tension Test
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: Steel reinforcing bars or rebar are used in concrete construction to enhance tensile strength and to maintain structural integrity as concrete cracks from expansion and contraction cycles. The tensile strength of the rebar steel and the bond strength between the rebar and the concrete are critical properties for ensuring the structural integrity of reinforced concrete structures. Standards are in place to ensure that rebar produced worldwide has consistent properties, and proper testing is necessary to confirm that the rebar meets these standards.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure:
End Result:
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing
Relevant test methods: AASHTO T 161
Scope: This scope describes a test method for determining the resistance of concrete specimens to rapidly repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. The method includes two procedures: Procedure A, Rapid Freezing and Thawing in Water, and Procedure B, Rapid Freezing in Air and Thawing in Water. Both procedures are intended to measure the effects of variations in the properties of concrete on the resistance to freezing and thawing cycles.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: This describes a procedure for testing the resistance of concrete specimens to rapidly repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. The procedure includes instructions for curing or conditioning the beam specimens, measuring their properties, and starting the freezing-and-thawing tests. The specimens are to be placed in thawing water at the beginning of the thawing phase of the cycle and removed at intervals not exceeding 36 cycles. They are to be tested for fundamental transverse frequency and measured for length change before being returned to the freezing-and-thawing apparatus. The test is to continue until the specimen has been subjected to 300 cycles or until its relative dynamic modulus of elasticity reaches 60% of the initial modulus, whichever occurs first, unless other limits are specified. If a specimen fails, it is to be replaced by a dummy specimen. The procedure also includes instructions for making notes of visual appearance and any defects that develop in the specimens during the test.
End Result: This results in the effects of concrete in the resistance to freezing and thawing cycles.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test Method for Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces Exposed to Deicing Chemicals
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: “This test method covers the determination of the resistance to scaling of a horizontal concrete surface exposed to freezing-and-thawing cycles in the presence of deicing chemicals. It is intended for use in evaluating this surface resistance qualitatively by visual examination.”
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: This describes a test procedure for determining the resistance to scaling of a horizontal concrete surface exposed to freezing-and-thawing cycles in the presence of deicing chemicals. The procedure includes instructions for covering the flat surface of the specimen with a solution of calcium chloride and water after the completion of moist and air curing. The specimens are then placed in a freezing environment for 16 to 18 hours. After this time, they are removed from the freezer and placed in laboratory air at 23 ± 2.0 °C and a relative humidity of 45 to 55%. The cycle is repeated daily, flushing off the surface thoroughly after 5 cycles. The test is evaluated by visual examination and if necessary, the solution is replaced, and the test continues. The specimens are either kept frozen during any interruption in the daily cycling or maintained in a damp condition after removal of solution and flushing surfaces.
End Result: This test results in evaluating the effect of mixture proportioning, surface treatment and curing.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
4. Asphaltic materials
Standard: Standard Test for Flash Point Temperature
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: “This test method describes the determination of the flash point and fire point of petroleum products by a manual Cleveland open cup apparatus or an automated Cleveland open cup apparatus.”
Applicable Material:
Test Procedure: This test provides instructions for preparing a solid or viscous sample for a flash point test, which is a method used to determine the temperature at which a liquid or a solid will ignite. The procedure state that the test cup should be filled with the sample so that the top of the meniscus of the test specimen is level with the filling mark, and the test cup should be positioned on the center of the heating plate. The temperature of the test cup and the sample should not exceed 56°C (100°F) below the expected flash point. Solid or viscous samples should be heated until they are fluid before being poured into the test cup, but the temperature of the sample during heating should not exceed 56°C (100°F) below the expected flash point. The procedure also states that any excess test specimen should be removed using a syringe or similar device and that any air bubbles or foam on the surface of the test specimen should be destroyed with a sharp knife or other suitable device. If foam persists during the final stages of the test, the test should be terminated, and any results should be disregarded.
End Result: This test results in the calculation of flash point temperature.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Viscosity
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: “This test method outlines a procedure for measuring the apparent viscosity of asphalt from 38 to 260°C (100 to 500°F) using a rotational viscometer and a temperature-controlled thermal chamber for maintaining the test temperature.”
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: This procedure provides instructions for performing a viscosity measurement using a Brookfield Viscometer. The instructions begin by indicating that the Thermosel power should be turned on and the proportional temperature controller should be set to the desired test temperature. Check the operating instructions for calibration of the controller and wait 1.5 hours or until the equilibrium temperature is obtained with the selected spindle in the chamber. Then the instructions provide details on how to add the sample to the chamber, being careful to avoid sample overheating and ignition of samples with low flash point. They also indicate that the sample volume should not be overfilled and that stirred filled asphalt coatings should be used to obtain a representative sample. Additionally provide details on how to couple the selected spindle to the viscometer, what speed to set the viscometer, and how to record three readings 60 seconds apart at each test temperature. The procedure provides instructions on how to calculate viscosity in centipoise and warns not to change the speed during the viscosity measurement as it will change the shear rate.
End Result: This test results in measuring apparent viscosity.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Kinematic Viscosity
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: This test method covers procedures for the determination of the apparent viscosity of asphalt binder by vacuum capillary viscometers at 60 °C [140 °F]. It is applicable to materials having viscosities in the range from 0.0036 to over 20 000 Pa·s [0.036 to over 200 000 P].
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure:
End Result: This test results in the specification requirements for cutback asphalt and asphalt binders.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Dynamic Shear
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: “This test method covers the determination of the dynamic shear modulus and phase angle of asphalt binders when tested in dynamic (oscillatory) shear using parallel plate geometry. It is applicable to asphalt binders having dynamic shear modulus values in the range from 100 Pa to 10 MPa. This range in modulus is typically obtained between 4 and 88°C at 10 rad/s. This test method is intended for determining the linear viscoelastic properties of asphalt binders as required for specification testing and is not intended as a comprehensive procedure for the full characterization of the viscoelastic properties of asphalt binders.”
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: This procedure describes the process for setting up and conducting a test using a dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) to measure the properties of a test specimen. The process includes several steps:
- Setting the temperature controller to the temperature required to obtain the test temperature in the test specimen between the test plates, taking into account any temperature offset correction.
- Allowing the DSR to reach thermal equilibrium within 0.1°C of the test temperature.
- Starting the test five to ten minutes after the test specimen has reached thermal equilibrium.
- Selecting the appropriate test temperature from Table 1 of Specification D 6373 when testing a binder for compliance to that specification.
- Starting at the lowest test temperature for the 25-mm plate and starting at the highest test temperature for the 8-mm plate when testing at multiple temperatures.
- Selecting an appropriate strain value from Table 1 when operating in a strain-controlled mode, or an appropriate stress value from Table 2 when operating in a stress-controlled mode.
- Initiating the testing within five to ten minutes after reaching thermal equilibrium at each test temperature.
- Completing all testing within two hours of preparing the test specimen to minimize the effect of molecular associations that can cause an increase in modulus if the specimen is held in the rheometer for a prolonged period of time.
- Applying the load and obtaining a measurement of the complex modulus, phase angle, and frequency after applying 8 to 16 initial loading cycles.
- Obtaining a test measurement by averaging data for an additional 8 to 16 loading cycles using the analytical technique and software provided by the manufacturer.
- Starting testing at the lowest frequency and increasing to the highest frequency when conducting tests at more than one frequency.
End Result: This test results in the calculation of the complex shear modulus (G) and phase angle of the asphalt binders.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Pressure Aging Vessel Residue
Relevant test methods: AASHTO R 28
Scope: “This practice covers the accelerated aging (oxidation) of asphalt binders by means of pressurized air and elevated temperature. This is intended to stimulate the changed in rheology which occur in asphalt binders during in-service oxidation aging but may not accurately stimulate the relative rates of aging.”
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: The process describes a procedure for performing the Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) test on asphalt binders. The steps include preheating the pressure vessel or oven to a specific temperature, adding a specific amount of hot residue from RTFOT bottles to PAV pans, placing the pans in the pressure vessel, applying pressure, monitoring the temperature and pressure, and reducing the pressure slowly at the end of the 20-h conditioning period. The process also includes removing the pans from the PAV and placing them in an oven set to 168 ± 5 °C for 15 ± 1 min, and then scraping the hot residue from the pans and transferring it to a container to be placed in a vacuum oven for further degassing. It’s important to follow the detailed instructions for proper execution of the test, which include monitoring and recording temperature, pressure, and other parameters, and discarding samples if conditions deviate from the specified ranges.
End Result: This test results in conditioning practice to estimate physical or chemical properties of asphalt binders.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Creep Stiffness
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: “This test method covers the determination of the flexural-creep stiffness or compliance and m-value of asphalt binders by means of a bending-beam rheometer. It is applicable to material having flexural-creep stiffness values in the range of 20 MPa to 1 GPa (creep compliance values in the range of 50 nPa-1 to 1 nPa-1)”.
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: This passage describes a procedure for testing the thickness of a test specimen by applying a 35 ± 10 mN contact load to it and recording the displacement. The test specimen should be placed in a testing bath and submerged in the bath fluid at test temperature ± 0.1°C for 60 ± 5 minutes. The thickness of the test specimen is established before testing by placing it on supports and taking two readings, Ra1 and Ra2. If the two readings agree within 1.0 mm, they are averaged as Ra, otherwise the test specimen is discarded. The procedure also describes a test for a steel beam, in which the force on the beam is adjusted to 980 ± 50 mN using a test load regulator valve and switching between the test load and contact load four times while watching for visible vertical movement. The bath temperature must be maintained at the test temperature 6 0.1°C during the test, otherwise the test will be rejected.
End Result: The test procedure describes low temperature stress strain response of asphalt binder at the test temperature within viscoelastic response.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Distillation Test
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: “This test method covers a distillation test for cutback asphaltic (bituminous) products.”
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: The temperatures observed during distillation may need to be corrected if the laboratory is located at an elevation of 500 ft or more above sea level. When the corrected temperature of 360°C (680°F) is reached, the heat should be cut off and the flask and thermometer removed. The contents should then be quickly poured into a residue container while ensuring the side-arm is substantially horizontal to prevent condensate from returning to the residue. The total volume of distillate collected should be recorded as total distillate to 360°C (680°F). Once the residue has cooled, it should be thoroughly stirred and poured into receptacles for testing properties such as penetration, viscosity, or softening point. The appropriate ASTM or IP method should then be followed from the pouring stage.
End Result: This test results in finding the more volatile constituents in cut-back asphaltic products.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Penetration (On residue from distillation Test)
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: This test method covers determination of the penetration of semi-solid and solid bituminous materials
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure:
End Result: This test results in the measure of consistency. Higher penetration results in softer consistency
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard test for Ductility test (on residue from distillation test)
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: This test method describes the procedure for determining the ductility of a bituminous material measured by the distance to which it elongates before breaking when two ends of a briquet specimen of the material, of the form are pulled apart at a specified speed and at a specified temperature.
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: This describes a procedure for performing a test to measure the ductility of a bituminous material. The procedure involves several steps:
- Assembling the mold on a flat and level brass plate and coating the surface of the plate and interior surfaces of the sides of the mold with a thin layer of a mixture of release agent.
- Carefully heating the sample until it is sufficiently fluid to pour, and then pouring it into the mold.
- Filling the mold with a thin stream of material, making sure not to disarrange the pieces of the mold, and allowing the filled mold to cool to room temperature for 35 ± 5 min.
- Placing the mold in a water bath at the test temperature for 35 ± 5 min.
- Trimming the excess material from the mold to make the molds just level full.
- Placing the trimmed specimen and mold in the water bath at the specified temperature for 90 ± 5 min.
- Removing the specimen from the plate by a shearing action between the specimen and plate, avoiding any bending of the specimen, and removing the side pieces of the mold without distorting or fracturing the specimen.
- Attaching the rings at each end of the clips to the pins or hooks in the testing machine and pulling the two clips apart at a uniform speed as specified until the specimen ruptures or reaches the length limitations of the testing machine.
- Measuring the distance in centimeters through which the clips have been pulled to produce rupture or final length.
End Result: This test results in the measure of tensile properties of bituminous materials and the measure of ductility.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test Method for solubility in Trichloroethylene (on residue from distillation test)
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: “This test method is a measure of the solubility of asphalt in trichloroethylene or toluene solvent. The portion that is soluble in the solvent represents the active cementing constituents.”
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: This test describes a procedure for determining the mass of a sample of material by dissolving it in trichloroethylene, filtering out any insoluble matter, and then drying and weighing the remaining material. The procedure includes steps for adding the sample to a container, agitating it with trichloroethylene, filtering the solution, washing, and transferring the insoluble matter to a crucible, washing the crucible with solvent, applying suction to remove the remaining solvent, drying the crucible in an oven or on a steam bath, and weighing it to determine the mass of the dissolved sample. The procedure is repeated until a constant mass is obtained.
End Result: This test results in the measure of solubility of asphalt in trichloroethylene.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test Method for Air and Water Method of determining the actual specific gravity by single operator for a HMA Mixture
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: This method covers the determination of the actual specific gravity of compacted HMA paving mixtures.
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: Dry specimen and remove loose material. Record weight of sample in air, and place specimen into bath and onto the weighing platform, so that sample specimen is submerged. Record the weight of the sample in water.
End Result: This test results in the calculation of actual specific gravity.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test Method for Asphalt Immersion Method (Beaker method) for Determining the theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity of HMA Paving Mixtures
Relevant test methods: ASTM D 2041
Scope: This method covers the determination of the theoretical maximum specific gravity of HMA paving mixtures by the immersion of samples in asphalt cement.
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: This describes a procedure for testing the amount of asphalt cement required to cover a sample of loose mixture. The procedure includes heating a sufficient amount of asphalt cement to 290°F (143°C), weighing the sample of loose mixture, adding enough asphalt cement to cover the mixture and removing entrapped air by stirring it in 20-minute intervals. Once all entrapped air is removed, the sample is cooled to room temperature, weighed again, and placed in a constant temperature water bath at 77°F (25°C) for about 2 hours. The purpose of this process is to determine the mass of asphalt cement required to cover the mixture and ensure it is properly consolidated and free of entrapped air.
End Result: This test results in the calculation of theoretical maximum specific gravity of the mixture.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test Method for Aggregate Gradation for HMA Mixture
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: This test method describes a rapid procedure for determining the aggregate gradation in a bituminous mixture.
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: Reduce sample to approximately 2500 grams using either MDOT box method or quartering method. Then dry sample for 15 to 30 minutes in the oven at 280⁰F. Place mixture in a pan and cover with solvent for 15 to 30 minutes. Decant over No.8 and No.2 sieves. Continue washing with water until wash water is clear. Dry sample in oven.
End Result: This results in the calculation of the dry weight of the aggregate as follows:
Wagg = Wmix x (1 – Pb/100)
Where: Wagg = total dry weight of the aggregate
Wmix = total dry weight of the mix
Pb = percent asphalt (%)
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test Method for Determination of Asphalt Content from Asphalt Paving Mixtures by the Ignition Method
Relevant test methods: ASTM D6307
Scope: This test method covers the determination of asphalt binder content of asphalt mixtures by ignition at temperatures that reach the flashpoint of the binder in a furnace. The means of specimen heating may be the convection method or the direct infrared (IR) irradiation method. The aggregate remaining after burning can be used for sieve analysis using T 30.
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: This describes a procedure for performing an ignition loss test through internal balance to determine the percentage of asphalt binder in an asphalt mixture. The procedure includes several steps:
- Preheating the ignition furnace to the appropriate temperature and manually recording the furnace temperature before the initiation of the test if the furnace does not record automatically.
- Drying the sample to constant mass or determining the moisture content of a companion sample according to the FOP for AASHTO T 329.
- Determining and recording the mass of the sample basket assembly to the nearest 0.1 g.
- Evenly distributing the sample in the sample basket assembly and leveling it using a spatula or trowel.
- Determining and recording the total mass of the sample and sample basket assembly at room temperature to the nearest 0.1 g.
- Calculating the initial mass of the sample by subtracting the mass of the sample basket from the mass of the sample and sample basket assembly and recording to the nearest 0.1 g and designating it as (Mi).
- Recording the correction factor or inputting it into the furnace controller for the specific asphalt mixture.
- Inputting the initial mass of the sample (Mi) into the ignition furnace controller and verifying that the correct mass has been entered.
- Verifying that the furnace scale is reading zero, if not, resetting to zero, positioning the sample basket assembly in the furnace, and initiating the test.
- Allowing the test to continue until the stable light and audible stable indicator indicate that the change in mass does not exceed 0.01 percent for three consecutive minutes and recording the test results.
- Removing the sample basket assembly, placing it on a cooling plate or block, and allowing it to cool to room temperature.
- Determining and recording the mass of the sample and sample basket assembly after ignition to the nearest 0.1 g.
- Calculating the mass of the sample by subtracting the mass of the sample basket assembly from the mass of the sample and sample basket assembly and recording to the nearest 0.1 g and designating it as Mf.
- Using the asphalt binder content percentage from the printed test results, subtracting the moisture content and the correction factor (if not entered the furnace controller) from the printed ticket asphalt binder content, and reporting the difference as the corrected asphalt binder content.
End Result: This test results in calculating the corrected asphalt binder content.
*If correction factor is not entered into the furnace controller
where: Pb = the corrected asphalt binder content as a percent by mass of the asphalt mixture
BC = asphalt binder content shown on printed ticket
MC = moisture content of the companion asphalt mixture sample, percent, as determined by the FOP for AASHTO T 329 (if the specimen was oven-dried before initiating the procedure, MC=0)
Cf = correction factor as a percent by mass of the asphalt mixture sample
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Michigan Test Method for quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from HMA Paving Mixtures
Relevant test methods: ASTM D2172, AASHTO T 164
Scope: These methods cover the quantitative determination of bitumen in HMA paving mixtures and pavement samples
Applicable Material: Asphalt
Test Procedure: This outlines a procedure for the Department’s approval process for non-hazardous, non-toxic, terpene-based asphalt extraction solvents used for the extraction of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixtures. It states that the application for approval must be done in writing and must include information about the extraction solvent, its supplier, the quality control plan for its manufacturing, delivery and product quality control, a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), certification statement that the solvent is non-hazardous, non-toxic and terpene-based, test results from an independent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified laboratory. The test results must include the flash point of 140°F or above (closed cup), a maximum Specific Gravity of 0.90 and Extract asphalt cement from a 2000 gram, 5.5% AC, polymer modified asphalt mix within 0.2% of the amount of asphalt used to construct the standard mix. The solvent must also meet certain requirements such as using a maximum amount of solvent not to exceed 2 gallons, using a maximum amount of rinse water not to exceed 2.5 gallons, rinsing through filter without evidence of clumping or coagulation of the solvent, and using the solvent at room temperature. A 5-gallon sample of the extraction solvent must also be submitted with the application letter, and MDOT reserves the right for final approval of the submitted non-hazardous, non-toxic, terpene-based asphalt extraction solvent.
End Result: N/A
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
5. Non-Destructive Testing
Standard: Standard Test Method for Ultra-Pulse test (for cracks detection, comparing concrete together)
Relevant test methods: ASTM C 597
Scope: The ultrasonic pulse velocity test (UPV) is a non-destructive method used to evaluate the quality of concrete on site. The test measures the velocity of an ultrasonic pulse as it travels through the concrete from a transmitting transducer to a receiving transducer. The time it takes for the pulse to travel through the concrete is measured and used to calculate the velocity of the pulse. The velocity of the pulse is affected by the density and uniformity of the concrete, as well as the presence of voids, cracks, or other defects. A higher velocity indicates a higher quality concrete, while a lower velocity may indicate the presence of defects. This test can be used to assess the uniformity of the concrete, detect voids or delamination, and assess the quality of the bond between the concrete and reinforcement.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: To prepare for use, the transducers should be connected to the sockets labeled “TRAN” and “REC” on the V-meter before turning it on. The V-meter can be operated using an internal battery, an external battery, or an A.C line. To set the reference, a reference bar is provided to check the instrument’s zero. Apply a smear of grease to the transducer faces before placing them on opposite ends of the bar and adjust the “SET REF” control until the reference bar transit time is obtained on the instrument’s readout. To ensure maximum accuracy, it is recommended to select a range of 0.1 microseconds for path lengths up to 400mm. When measuring the path length ‘L’ of the material, it is important to apply couplant to the surfaces of the transducers and press them firmly onto the material without moving them during the measurement, as this can cause noise and errors in the reading. The pulse velocity is calculated by dividing the path length by the travel time, and the mean value of multiple readings should be taken when the units digit “hunts” between two values. Additionally, it is important to prevent the transducer leads from coming into close contact with each other to avoid incorrect display of the transit time.
End Result: This test results in characterizing quality of concrete.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Schmidt Hammer
Relevant test methods: ASTM C 803
Scope: Windsor probe testing is a method of testing the strength of concrete, like Schmidt rebound hammer testing. It is also a non-destructive method of testing the compressive strength of concrete. The test is performed by penetrating the surface of the concrete with a hardened steel probe with a blunt conical tip. The probe is fired into the concrete with a gun using a powder-filled cartridge. The depth of penetration is measured, and the compressive strength is calculated using a correlation chart or a formula provided by the manufacturer. This method is also widely used to determine the in-situ compressive strength of concrete structures and to check the uniformity of concrete in a particular area.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: The Windsor Probe test is a procedure to determine the compressive strength of concrete in situ. It is done by following these steps:
- Place the positioning device on the surface of the concrete at the location to be tested.
- Mount a probe in the driver unit.
- Position the driver in the positioning device.
- Fire the probe into the concrete.
- Remove the positioning device and tap the probe on the exposed end with a small hammer to ensure that it has not rebounded and to confirm that it is firmly embedded.
- Place the measuring base plate over the probe and position it so that it bears firmly on the surface of the concrete without rocking or other movement. If the probe is sloped with respect to the surface of the concrete, take four measurements equally spaced around and parallel to the probe and average them to get the measurement.
- If the probe is not firmly embedded, then the test is not valid and hence it should be repeated.
- Similarly, the test should be repeated if the range of depth of penetration for three tests is more than 8.4mm in concrete made with 25mm maximum aggregate size, and 11.7 in concrete made with 50mm maximum aggregate size.
- When tests are to be made on concrete having a density of approximately 2000 kg/m3 or less, and on all concrete with strengths less than 17 MPa, decrease the amount of energy delivered to the probe by the driver or use a larger-diameter probe, or both.
End Result: This test results in determining uniformity if concrete and specify the poor quality of deteriorated concrete zones.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Steel Detection
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: The results obtained from this test can be used to determine the mechanical properties of the material, such as ductility, yield strength, and modulus of elasticity. These properties can be used to predict the behavior of the material under various loading conditions and to design structures that are safe and efficient.
Applicable Material: Steel
Test Procedure: The procedure described is for a standard tensile test of a steel rod using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The first step is to prepare the specimen by cleaning it and marking the gauge length. Then, the range of the UTM is calculated based on the assumed working stress and factor of safety. The specimen is placed in the UTM, and an extensometer is attached to measure the extension of the specimen during the test. The load is applied slowly, and the load pointer is monitored for important load points such as the yield point and the ultimate load. Once the specimen breaks, the maximum capacity of the specimen is recorded and the diameter of the specimen at the neck is measured. The change in length and the stress at different strains are also calculated and a stress-strain graph is plotted.
End Result: This results in the calculation of Youngs modulus, Yield stress, Ultimate stress, Nominal Breaking Stress, actual breaking stress, and %Elongation.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard test for Concrete Core Test
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: The Concrete Core Test is often used as a supplementary test to verify the compressive strength of hardened concrete when the results of other tests, such as the standard laboratory cube test, are questionable or do not meet the acceptance criteria. The core test can provide additional information about the strength of the concrete, especially when the cube test results are negative. The core test is performed on the hardened concrete, which is taken from the actual structure or element, and it helps in determining the quality and strength of the concrete work.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: The concrete core test is used to determine the compressive strength of hardened concrete by extracting cylindrical samples, known as cores, from the concrete using a specialized core cutting machine.
The extracted cores are then capped at both ends with a capping material, usually molten sulfur, to ensure that the ends of the cores are parallel and to prevent the ends from breaking before the concrete fails. Mineral oil is used to lubricate the plate or molds used to hold the sulfur mixture, and the level of the mixture in the melting pot must be kept high to prevent the production of sulfur vapor.
The cores are then checked to ensure that the capping material has adhered to both ends and that the caps are not fractured or failed before the concrete fails. The cores are then placed in a compression testing machine and loaded at a rate of 14N/MM2/min until the core specimen breaks down and no greater load can be sustained. The maximum load applied to the specimen is recorded as the reading and the appearance of the concrete and any unusual features in the type of failure are noted.
End Result: This test results in the calculation of the concrete core.
The Concrete Core Test Result Calculation,
This Correction factor is depending upon the L/D ratio of the core specimen.
F = 0.11N + 0.78
F = Factor of Correction
N = Length / Diameter Ratio
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test method for Corrosion Potentials of uncoated reinforcing steel in Concrete
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: This test method covers the estimation of the electrical corrosion potential of uncoated reinforcing steel in field and laboratory concrete, for the purpose of determining the corrosion activity of the reinforcing steel.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: The Electrochemical Corrosion Potential (ECP) test is a method used to estimate the electrical corrosion potential of uncoated reinforcing steel in concrete. The test is performed by measuring the electrical potential difference between the reinforcing steel and a reference electrode, such as a saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The electrical potential is measured in millivolts (mV) and can be used to determine the corrosion activity of the reinforcing steel. The test method you described is outlining the steps and considerations to be taken while performing ECP test.
It covers the preparation of the surface of the concrete, the equipment to be used, and the procedure for making the measurements. It includes guidelines for selecting the spacing between measurements, for making a direct electrical connection to the reinforcing steel, for attaching the lead wire to the half-cell, and for pre-wetting the concrete surface. It also includes instructions for conducting a test to determine if pre-wetting is necessary and for handling situations where the electrical resistance of the circuit is too great for valid measurements.
End Result: This test results in percentage of the total half-cell that are more negative than -0.35 V and percentage of the total half-cell potential less negative than -0.20V.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for pull-off test for repair concrete (bond between concrete and concrete)
Relevant test methods: ASTM C 1583
Scope: Concrete pull-off testing, also known as pull-off adhesion testing, is a method used to measure the direct tensile strength of a material or bond strength of an interface by applying a tensile load to a small, circular test disc that is bonded to the surface using an epoxy adhesive. The equipment used for concrete pull-off testing typically includes a metal test disc, epoxy adhesive, a core drill, a draw bolt, and a jack. The core drill is used to create a hole in the concrete surface where the test disc will be bonded.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure: The test is performed by drilling a shallow core into the concrete surface, and leaving the core attached to the concrete. The steel test disc is then bonded to the top surface of the core using an epoxy adhesive. A tensile load is then applied to the steel test disc using a draw bolt and jack, and the load is increased until failure occurs. The failure load, failure mode and the bond strength are recorded and the nominal tensile stress at failure is calculated by dividing the failure load by the area of the steel test disc. The results of the test are used to evaluate the bond strength of a coating or overlay, or the compressive strength of the concrete surface.
End Result: This test results in determining strength of bonding agents, and to determine the controlling failure mode.
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
Standard: Standard Test for Pill-out test for rebar from concrete (bond between reinforcement and concrete)
Relevant test methods: N/A
Scope: The pull-out experiment is a commonly used method to study the bond behavior between reinforced rods and concrete in different environments. This method is considered simple and is widely used worldwide. Various types of concretes, such as high strength concretes, fiber-reinforced concretes, reinforcement corroded concretes, lightweight concrete, and recycled aggregate concrete, have been studied to understand the bond toughness between reinforcement and concrete. The environmental effects also play an important role in the degradation of bond stability.
Applicable Material: Concrete
Test Procedure:
End Result:
Tyme Testing Locations: Livonia, MI, Lansing MI, Florida
6. Forensic Microstructure Analysis
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is a widely employed thermal analysis technique that allows the measurement of thermal parameters of materials. It is particularly useful for the study of cement-based materials such as concrete. DSC works by heating a sample at a controlled rate and measuring the heat flow into or out of the sample using a DSC sensor. The heat flow is recorded as a function of temperature or time, and the resulting data is used to determine various thermal properties of the sample.
One of the most significant applications of DSC in concrete research is the evaluation of the heat of hydration. It is defined as the heat released during the exothermic reaction between cement and water, and it has a crucial role in the prediction of strength gain rate and other properties of the concrete during curing. DSC can also be used to identify impurities or defects in the concrete by observing any thermal events such as endothermic or exothermic peaks in the DSC thermograms.
Furthermore, DSC can be employed to study the kinetics of hydration and the reaction products of the cement. Additionally, it can be used in combination with other analytical techniques such as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to provide a comprehensive understanding of the microstructure and properties of the concrete.
In summary, DSC is a powerful tool for characterizing the thermal behavior of concrete, providing valuable information about the hydration process, and the final properties of concrete. It is widely used in both academic and industrial research to improve the understanding of concrete behavior and develop new concrete formulations.
Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) is a test used to measure the pore size distribution of a concrete sample. It involves saturating the concrete with mercury, and then applying pressure to force the mercury into the pores. The pressure at which the mercury first begins to intrude into the pores is recorded, and this is used to calculate the pore size. This test can be used to determine the permeability of the concrete, as well as its porosity, which can affect its strength and durability.
The MIP test involves sample is then placed in a special apparatus that applies increasing pressure to the mercury. As the pressure increases, the mercury begins to intrude into the pores of the concrete. The pressure at which this occurs is recorded and used to calculate the pore size.
The test can be used to determine the permeability of the concrete, which is a measure of how easily fluids can pass through the concrete. A low permeability indicates that the concrete is relatively impermeable, while a high permeability indicates that fluids can easily pass through.
The porosity of the concrete, which is the ratio of the volume of the pores to the total volume of the sample, can also be determined using the MIP test. A high porosity indicates that the concrete is less dense, which can affect its strength and durability.
MIP is a non-destructive test, which means that the sample is not damaged during the testing process. This allows for multiple tests to be performed on the same sample, providing a more comprehensive understanding of its properties.
However, MIP test is not suitable for testing certain types of concrete such as lightweight concrete, or concrete with large or irregular pores. It’s also not suitable for testing the pores that are interconnected or larger than 100 micrometers.
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope that uses a focused beam of electrons to scan a sample and produce an image. SEM can be used to examine the surface features of a sample at a high magnification, typically in the range of 50x to 100,000x. The SEM is equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector which analyzes the X-rays emitted from the sample and produces a chemical composition of the surface.
When used in conjunction with an elemental dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector, SEM allows for the analysis of the chemical composition of a sample on a micro-scale. EDX is a type of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis that uses a focused beam of electrons to excite the atoms in a sample, causing them to emit X-rays. These X-rays can then be analyzed to determine the elements present in the sample and their relative concentrations.
SEM-EDX is particularly useful for analyzing concrete samples, as it can provide detailed information about the microstructure of the material, including the size and shape of the particles, the degree of porosity and the presence of any micro-cracks or defects. Additionally, EDX allows for the identification of the chemical compounds present in the sample, which can be used to determine the composition of the cement and the mineral phases present in the aggregate.
The combination of SEM and EDX can also be used to study the microstructure of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between the cement paste and aggregate, which is an important factor in determining the strength and durability of the concrete.
It is important to note that SEM-EDX analysis is a destructive test method, which means that a small portion of the sample is removed for analysis and therefore cannot be used again. Additionally, this method requires a high level of sample preparation and a skilled operator to perform the analysis, and the results should be interpreted with caution, as the analysis is only performed on a small area of the sample.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a non-destructive analytical technique that is used to identify the crystalline phases present in a sample of concrete. The test is based on the principle that different crystal structures will diffract X-rays at different angles, allowing for the identification of specific minerals in the sample.
To perform an XRD test on a concrete sample, the sample is first prepared by crushing and pulverizing it to a fine powder. The powder is then placed in a sample holder and exposed to a beam of X-rays. The diffracted X-rays are then detected and analyzed using a specialized instrument called a diffractometer.