The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Taylor Transportation Service Center (TSC) tasked TYME with providing As-Needed Construction Engineering (CE) services for this large, high-level project. The project location covered areas on I-275 from the I-96/I-696/M-5 interchange southerly to north of 5 Mile Road and on I-696 from the I-96/M-5/I-275 interchange to Telegraph Road, within Oakland and Wayne Counties.
The project, which received an award from the Michigan Concrete Association (MCA) in the category of Divided Highways – Urban, included 7.25 miles of concrete inlay, concrete pavement repairs, detail 7 joint repairs, hot mix asphalt cold milling and resurfacing, guardrail, ditch cleaning, permanent pavement markings, signing, ITS infrastructure and device installation, deep overlay, substructure repairs, approach work, bridge rehabilitation, and traffic maintenance.
As a Prime Consultant, TYME provided the following services: general project engineering and contract administration, construction inspection, materials testing, and project close-out.